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I've enjoyed a career as a multimedia designer, but now I'm living the dream as a training support specialist. I served in the Marines during the 1980s, and I recently retired as a senior NCO in the Air Force Reserve, having deployed to Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan, in addition to tours in the United States, Germany, and the Pacific. I've also visited the former Soviet Union several times. 

I've read a lot of the biggest names in the thriller genre, and I like to think my books are different. Many authors don't realize how important faith is to members of our military, especially those deployed to the war zone. The protagonists in The Michael Neill Adventures are men of faith, and while they live that out, the books aren't preachy.


I've tried to portray my characters as real people relying on God to guide their decisions. And I've also attempted to make the books character-driven. I stay true to the technology mentioned in the story, but without getting bogged down in the details.

... intense and simply excellent... a virtual tsunami of action, heroism, tension and suspense...
—Finalist, Lime Award for Excellence in Fiction


... with heroes to root for and villains to be despised, (readers) will be mesmerized...

The Michael Neill Adventures have been nominated for's Lime Award for Excellence in Fiction for three years running. They have also won the Shelf Unbound Notable Book Award in the Page Turner category, received the Five Star Award from, the Five Star Award from Literary Classics (earning Gold and Silver in their 2016 Book Awards competition), and have been included on the Military Writers Society of America's recommended reading list. 



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